septiembre 8, 2011

Pensamientos En La Aventura

Originalmente publicado (en inglés) en Facebook 2011.
8 y 9 de septiembre, 2011

I think it was about time to write something in English. The language I’m certainly not an expert, but the one I feel like I belong to. Excuse my lack of accuracy. I’m living a dream, not a dream because it’s something impossible to achieve, I’m living a dream because I feel I have an infinite list of possibilities of actions and decisions. I’m not living this as something temporary, this is an opportunity I’m taking seriously, and of course I’m enjoying it. During this journey, every day is unique, every day is different, and I love the way it is, I am thankful for having the amazing opportunity to live something extraordinary every day. Also, I’m living fast, every day seems like it has 21 hours, even if it also seems like I work 22, and I’m not complaining, not at all.

What I find even more interesting, and this is what I love from being here, from being me, is that, in days where we all live fast, when all happens so incredibly fast… something as simple as a song, as the sound of applause, as sharing a drink with the people you work with, the smile on the faces of those who won a signed vinyl by their favorite band, as a kiss in the dark, those kind of things last forever, and those kind of events keep me moving forward, those are the kind of things that I still want every day. There is no ‘normal’ life, there is just life, and you got to live it the best you can.
I am the result of the choices I’ve made, and I don’t regret.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, September 8, 2011 at 11:28pm

There is no chance in existence before the moment you decide to take it. You create your chances, and you make whatever you want, happen. Every single day has been a step forward. Even to learn from mistakes, better than that, from experience. Don’t let me start about experiences being here, that’s for another moment, it would feel like my journey here is coming to an end, and it’s definitely not coming near such thing.

As I’ve said before, we’re living fast, and we’re dealing with the idea of getting things done, quickly. We have to move forward, and I’ve been learning to move forward, and fast, and at the same time, enjoy it as much as I can. But, there are times that could last… 30 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, of a single day, that could keep you floating in space for weeks, with the idea of coming back to the moment and place where it started.

Chances are… the ones I take, and I’ll take mine.

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